TMJ Treatment: Do You Need It?

Do you wake up with a headache? Do your teeth hurt when you chew food? Do your jaws lock together, or does one jaw move without the other following it? If so, then you might have TMJ disorder.

TMJ disorders are quite common and can cause pain in the face, neck. They also can give people headaches or make them feel like they need to shake their heads to relieve pressure. We’re going to go over what causes this condition, how it affects everyday life, and what kind of treatment options are available for those who suffer from TMJ disorders!


What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder is a condition that affects the jaw. The disorder is characterized by chronic pain in the face, neck and can also give people headaches or make them feel like they need to shake their heads to relieve pressure.

TMJ disorders are quite common and often cause pain in the face, neck, shoulders, leading to headaches, among other symptoms such as feeling like one needs to shake their head for relief from pressure caused by this disorder.

Both adults and children have been diagnosed with TMJ problems that worsen over time when not treated early on.


Treatments for TMJ disorders

The treatments for TMJ problems vary and depend on the severity of the disorder. The treatments might include wearing a mouthpiece, medication or surgery.

If you wear a mouthpiece, the benefit is that you are less likely to have jaw pain and headaches.

Another treatment for TMJ disorders might be medication which may help relieve the symptoms of this disorder in some cases. Yet, if not successful, surgery could be an option as well, depending on the severity of the patient’s TMJ problem.

This can also include chewing gum to stretch muscles and sleeping without your head tilted towards one side if it was placed there while sleeping during childhood when teeth were being developed.

Some patients might experience difficulty opening their mouths wide enough, where others might be unable to chew properly due to other symptoms such as the inability to open their mouth wide enough or refuse to chew.


Prevention of TMJ disorders

To prevent TMJ disorder, patients should try to stop any habits that may be causing the condition. This includes clenching teeth and grinding them, which can lead to headaches as well as jaw pain.

The benefits of TMJ treatment are plentiful. Patients may reduce food intake when their symptoms worsen because they can’t enjoy eating because they are so uncomfortable. This creates a vicious cycle that increases emotional stress and negatively impacts overall health with weight loss and other negative side effects like low energy or depression, to name a few things – but this can be changed! With little more than an oral appliance worn at night, you might find sleep improved, mood elevated, and all aspects of your life getting better.

In conclusion, TMJ disorders are common and can cause chronic pain in muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, and back along with headaches, among other side effects if left untreated too long by an individual who suffers from it.